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Customer Favourites

  • Cottonfresh Organic Cotton Bed Linen

    Cottonfresh Organic Cotton Bed Linen

    From £19.95

  • White Cotton Gloves for Adults with Eczema

    White Cotton Gloves for Adults with Eczema

    From £5.95

  • Cottonfresh Organic Dust Mite Proof Cover Sets

    Cottonfresh Organic Dust Mite Proof Cover Sets

    From £189.85 Regular price

  • DAOfood® for Histamine Intolerance

    DAOfood® for Histamine Intolerance


  • Adults’ Bamboo Gloves for Eczema

    Adults’ Bamboo Gloves for Eczema

    From £4.72 Regular price

  • Black Cotton Gloves for Adults with Eczema

    Black Cotton Gloves for Adults with Eczema

    From £5.95

  • Black Cotton Gloves for Children with Eczema

    Black Cotton Gloves for Children with Eczema

    From £4.95

Welcome to AllergyBestBuys

Living with allergies can be a real challenge. Here at AllergyBestBuys we offer safe, tested products at great prices that can help you avoid the triggers that set off an allergic reaction or provide comfort and relief when symptoms strike.


You can find the solution to relieve any allergy here!


Anyone with asthma, eczema, rhinitis or sensitivity to chemicals should try bedding from The Sounder Sleep Company, available from mail order specialists AllergyBestBuys

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