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Cat and dustmite allergy in toddlers link to later asthma

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Researchers have found an association between cat and dustmite allergies in pre-schoolers and the onset of asthma by age 7.

The research, presented on Monday 23rd February at the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (AAAAI) annual meeting in Houston, included almost 500 children from Cincinnati.

Tests for four common indoor allergens – cat, dog, cockroach and dustmite – were carried out at 1, 2, 3 and 4 years. The children were tested for asthma at age 7.

According to the study, children with positive tests for cat and dust mite allergies had an increased risk of having asthma by age 7. However the researchers did not find a link between dog and cockroach allergen and the development of asthma.

“More research is needed, but it appears year-to-year tests may distinguish between allergic children and identify who is at the highest risk for developing asthma,” first author Dr. Jessica Tan said in an AAAAI news release.

“We believe that the patterns of testing positive over three years can predict who is more likely to develop asthma by age 7 for children who have family history of allergic diseases,” she added.HouseDustMite

General risk factors for developing asthma include a parental history of asthma, wheezing induced by viral illness, and eczema, according to Tan. She suggested that based on the findings, allergies to cats and dust mites may also be risk factors for developing asthma.

If you have a family history of asthma or eczema you may like to test your baby or toddler for Cat and Dustmite Allergy with a simple, accurate fingerprick test you can carry out at home. Most children find this less upsetting than a visit to the doctor.

There are also tests for Milk and Egg Allergy and an economical 3-in-1 test for Cat, Dustmite and Pollen allergy.

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