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Classic Microfibre Dust Mite Proof Pillow Barrier Covers

Classic Microfibre Dust Mite Proof Pillow Barrier Covers



Pillow Cover

Standard 50x75cm

Classic Microfibre Dust Mite Proof Pillow Barrier Covers

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Our Superb Value Range of Barrier Covers

When price is as important as protection, the Classic range of barrier covers from allergy bedding specialists, The Sounder Sleep Company, offer comfort, effectiveness and affordability. But do not compare these barrier covers to the cheap plasticky covers on the market today. These are the best synthetic covers you can buy with a soft feel and superb breathability.

Encasing your pillow with an effective dust mite proof cover, along with your mattress and duvet, provides essential protection against dust mite allergen, and other microscopic allergens too.

  • soft, light, tightly woven microfibre seals out all allergens, including cat and dust mite allergen, from your pillow
  • lets air and vapour through for breathability and comfortable sleep
  • allergen-proof zips totally enclose the pillow for complete protection
  • tested for allergen hold-out by PMI laboratories, NY
  • tested and CE-approved TUV-certificated, no harmful chemicals
  • wash at 60°C, quick drying, non-iron
  • excellent value
  • 10 year guarantee
  • Protect against bed bugs as well as dust mites!
  • available VAT Free
  • size 50 x 75cm

Dust mites thrive in a moist, dark, warm habitat which offers a constant supply of shed skin scales. So your pillow, which harbours more dust mites and their allergen than any other bedding, is an environment in which they thrive.

This means that without a barrier your nose and mouth is pressed into the source of potential asthma attacks, eczema flare-ups and rhinitis issues for eight hours a night.

The answer? Zip a Classic anti-allergy barrier cover round your pillow and put your usual pillowcase on top. Comfortable and undetectable, dustmites and their harmful, microscopic allergen simply cannot get through.

Cover your Mattress and Duvet too for total bedtime protection, and save money with complete sets.



Pillow Cover

Standard 50x75cm