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Rapeseed/Canola allergy

Rapeseed or Canola allergy, once rare, is becoming more widespread as this oil is now widely used in food preparation. It is popular as it is the vegetable oil with the lowest saturated fat level of all common cooking oils and in margarine form offers an alternative to butter.

Canola is in almost all potato products, cooking oil sprays, margarines and and baked goods. You'll find it in fish fingers, chicken nuggets and even McDonald's french fries. But many doctors won't immediately recognise the symptoms as a true allergic reaction to ingesting rapeseed oil as symptoms can vary from person to person.


Some people become dizzy and have nausea and vomiting. Others have sneezing or may develop some type of skin irritation. Symptoms can develop within a few minutes or can take up to a few hours before they appear. and may include digestive difficulty, asthma, respiratory issues and skin reactions.

Digestive symptoms are cramping, stomach pain, wind, vomiting, diarrhoea, bloating and nausea.

Asthma symptoms can develop such as wheezing, chest tightness, difficulty breathing and shortness of breath.

Inflammation in the respiratory symptom can cause nasal congestion, sneezing, a runny nose and watery eyes. These symptoms can cause sinus headaches, post-nasal drip and facial tenderness. Your skin may become inflamed and irritated, causing hives, eczema and itchiness.

Rapeseed/Canola allergy sufferers are advised to read all labels carefully and to use alternative oils such as olive oil, avocado oil and coconut oil.

Knowledge is power. The Alex 2 World Leading Allergy Test could identify your allergies. The Fox World Leading Food Intolerance Test could identify your dietary intolerances. These are medically approved, clinically proven tests used by allergists, nutritionists and medical consultants.

The information AllergyBestBuys provides should not be considered medical advice, nor is it intended to replace consultation with a qualified physician.